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Tracy Law
‘Special care is hard on the heart’ — my preemie baby journey
For every 13 babies born in the UK, one baby is born premature. Each neonatal experience will affect families differently, but we know...
Tracy Law
Live Interview
Thrilled to have been invited as a guest speaker on The Matrescence's live to talk about birth trauma.
Tracy Law
Caesarean section and birth trauma
Did having a Caesarean section mean a change of your birth plan? How has this left you feeling? And how can you move forward?
Tracy Law
Should Breastfeeding be Traumatic?
Breastfeeding trauma is a reality for many people, but it is important to know that you are not alone in this...
Tracy Law
Recognising Birth Trauma
Birth is a significantly life-changing experience. Often, it feels as if you’ve entered a tunnel, only to resurface in a completely new...
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